Monday, December 12, 2011

The End of A Semester

Well, today was my last official day of classes!  I'm officially done with classes for my college career.  It's a strange feeling... one that I don't quite know how to describe.  At least, not yet.  With classes coming to an end, it means one thing... 

I think that picture accurately shows how I usually feel during finals week.  However, my finals this semester aren't tests.  Rather, they've been a lot of projects.  Projects are super time consuming, but right now, I can honestly say I feel like this...

Pure happiness.  In fact, I feel like cheering!

As time consuming as projects are, they don't stress me out nearly as much as a test does.  There's something about being forced to memorize and remember all sorts of facts that you may never need again in your life really stresses me out to the max.  For finals this semester, I have a mock interview/conference with one of my professors tomorrow, and I've already turned in all of my projects for my other two classes.  It's safe to say that this semester has been my best one for finals, by far.  Thank heavens.  I've definitely had my fair share of stressful times during finals.  So now that I'm basically be done with everything except for a breakfast for my Methods class Wednesday morning, what am I going to do with my time?  See if you can guess...

Did you guess packing and cleaning?  If so, you're correct! :)  It's always the worst part of a semester.  But, for the past 2 semesters, I've only had to clean and not really pack.  But, this semester I get to do both.  It's slightly overwhelming, but I can do it!  Plus, it means I'm that much closer to going home, which I'm really excited about!  It's crazy how fast time goes.  But, I've come to learn that sometimes we outgrow things.  I feel like I'm ready for a new adventure- a new scene.  So, here's to finishing strong with finals, packing, and cleaning!  

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